Green Eggs and Ham 2
Green Eggs and Ham 2

Hey everyone, it is Drew, welcome to our recipe site. Today, I’m gonna show you how to prepare a special dish, green eggs and ham 2. One of my favorites. This time, I’m gonna make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Green Eggs and Ham 2 is one of the most popular of current trending meals on earth. It is simple, it is quick, it tastes delicious. It is enjoyed by millions every day. They’re nice and they look wonderful. Green Eggs and Ham 2 is something which I’ve loved my entire life.

How many seasons of Green Eggs and Ham are there? It is an American fantasy road comedy based on Dr. Green Eggs and Ham is an American animated series on Netflix.

To begin with this recipe, we must prepare a few ingredients. You can cook green eggs and ham 2 using 6 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Green Eggs and Ham 2:
  1. Make ready 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
  2. Get 1-1/2 cup sweet peas
  3. Take 1 teaspoon salt
  4. Prepare 1-1/2 pound sliced ham
  5. Take 6 large eggs
  6. Make ready 1-1/2 tablespoons extra Virgin olive oil

An animated series based on the popular Dr. Seuss story "Green Eggs and Ham." Green Eggs and Ham is a children's book by Dr. Seuss on the Loose starring Paul Winchell as the voice of both Sam-I-Am and the first-person narrator, Guy-Am-I, and more recently an animated TV series of the same name on. Green Eggs and Ham is an empowering American vivified parody course of action that is gently established on a book by Dr Seuss, which is of a comparative name.

Instructions to make Green Eggs and Ham 2:
  1. Heat a skillet and fry the sliced ham. I had a semi boneless smoked ham
  2. Get it caramelized
  3. Set the ham aside and add oil. When it is hot add the sweet peas. Smash and salt with half the salt.
  4. Just about done
  5. When they are done, beat the eggs and add the rest of the salt. Pour the eggs over the peas. Add the parsley.
  6. Stir fry till done, serve I hope you enjoy!

Green Eggs Café is a brunch-style restaurant that takes pride in serving the highest quality fare, while maintaining an eco-conscious philosophy. We value people, and sustaining life on this planet. We're unlike conventional restaurants because we have a commitment to doing our part for the environment. What's this wrapped up in breakfast-scented paper for you from Sam? Surprise reveal, there's a second serving of Green Eggs & Ham!

So that is going to wrap this up with this exceptional food green eggs and ham 2 recipe. Thanks so much for reading. I’m sure you will make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!